
Showing posts from October, 2019

Helpful Teacher

A teacher went out of the way to make Halloween easier for a nonverbal student named Jullian. She made a sign for him. Trick or Treat. Thanks for the sweets. Source:  Teacher makes Halloween sign for nonverbal student

Being Oneself

Evan is a special boy. He was born with Microcephaly and has global delays. It has not stopped him from being himself. He goes on weekly Disneyland trips with his family. He likes wearing dresses to the park and is accepted for who he is by the staff. Source:  4-year-old boy with autism who likes to wear dresses befriends Disneyland characters

Halloween Costume

A two year old has a creative costume highlighting his disability. His name is Brantley. He has Cerebral Palsy and uses a walker to move around. Hs costume is based on Carl from the movie Up/ Source:  2-year-old with cerebral palsy has clever Halloween costume that celebrates his disability

Inspiring Proposal

David Cowan wanted a special homecoming proposal to his girlfriend Saris Marie Garcia. He did it at a football game. She said yes. The proposal went viral. Source:  Teen with Down syndrome goes viral for his homecoming "proposal" — but the love story doesn't end there